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在加利福尼亚州, laws exist to ensure that government is open and that the public has a right to access appropriate records and information possessed by government agencies. 同时, there are exceptions to the public's right to access public records provided by both state and federal laws. 这些例外包括个人隐私.

Information collected at this site becomes public record and may be subject to inspection and copying by the public, 除非法律有例外. 在你访问克恩郡网站时, information that is not readily identifiable to an individual is automatically collected and stored. 此信息仅用于改进我们的网络服务. 有关我们隐私政策的详细信息,请参阅下面的扩展声明.

  • 收集的信息及其使用方法
  • 个人资料及选择
  • 公开披露
  • 查阅及更正个人资料
  • 饼干
  • 安全
  • 联系方式收集的信息及使用方法

如果您在访问克恩郡网站期间什么都不做,只是浏览该网站, 阅读页面或下载信息, 我们会自动收集和存储以下有关您访问的信息:

  1. 互联网协议(IP)地址,而不是电子邮件地址. The Internet Protocol address is a numerical identifier assigned either to your Internet service provider or directly to your computer. 我们使用互联网协议地址将互联网流量导向您;
  2. The date and time you visited this site; and
  3. 您在本网站访问的网页或服务.

The information we automatically collect or store may be used to improve the content of our web services and to help us understand how people are using our services. We may analyze our Web site logs to continually improve the value of the materials available on our site. 我们的网站日志不能识别个人身份, 我们也不会试图将他们与浏览克恩郡网站的个人联系起来.

如果是在你访问克恩郡网站的时候, 你参与了一项调查, 发送一封电子邮件或填写一份反馈表格, 我们会收集以下额外资料:

  1. 电子邮件通信:电子邮件地址, 电子邮件的内容和您提供的任何个人识别/联系信息;
  2. Surveys: Any information you volunteered in response to a survey including any personal identification/contact information provided;
  3. Feedback Forms: All comments you have provided and any personal identification/contact information you have also provided.

All information collected is retained in accordance with California 政府 Code Section 26200 et. seq.

我们会使用您的电子邮件地址作出适当的回应. 这可能是对你的回应, 解决你发现的问题, 进一步改善我们的网站, 或者将电子邮件转发给另一个机构以采取适当的行动. 调查信息用于指定的目的.


"Personal information" is information about an individual that is readily identifiable to that specific individual. 个人信息包括个人标识符,如个人姓名, address, 电话号码. 域名或互联网协议地址不被视为个人信息.

At the County of Kern Web site we collect no personal information about you unless you voluntarily participate in an activity that asks for information (i.e. 发送电子邮件或参与调查). 如果你选择不参加这些活动, your choice will in no way affect your ability to use any other feature of the County of Kern Web site.

如果网站要求提供个人信息或用户自愿提供个人信息, state law and the federal Privacy Act of 1974 may protect it (see California 政府 Code Section 6254.20). 然而,被要求或自愿提供的非个人信息一旦提供,就会成为公共记录, 如果不受联邦或州法律的保护,可能会受到公众的检查和复制.

Users are cautioned that the collection of personal information requested from or volunteered by children on-line or by e-mail will be treated the same as information given by an adult and may be subject to public access.


在加利福尼亚州,《澳门线上娱乐网站》(《澳门线上娱乐网站》第6250条及以下各条).) exists to ensure that government is open and that the public has a right to access appropriate records and information possessed by state or local government entities. 同时, there are exceptions to the public's right to access public records that serve various needs: the privacy of individuals is included among these exceptions. 例外情况由州和联邦法律规定.

The County of Kern Web site strives to protect personally identifiable information by collecting only information necessary to deliver our services. All information collected at this site becomes public record and may be subject to inspection and copying by the public, 除非法律有豁免规定.

如果本隐私声明与《澳门线上娱乐网站》第6250条及其后各条有冲突., 或任何其他管理记录披露的法律, 政府法典第6250条或其他适用法律将对此作出规定.


您可以查看克恩郡网站收集的有关您的任何个人信息. You may recommend changes to your personal information you believe in error by submitting a written request that credibly shows the error. If you believe that your personal information is being used for a purpose other than what was intended when submitted, 你可联络我们. 在所有情况下, we will take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or making corrections. 请参阅联系信息部分.



cookie是一小部分数据, 其中可能包含一个匿名唯一标识符, that is sent to your browser from a Web site's computers and may either be used only during your session (a "session" cookie) or may be stored on your computer's hard drive (a "persistent" cookie). cookie可以包含用户在访问网站期间的移动数据. 如果您的浏览器软件设置为允许cookie,则网站可以向您发送自己的cookie. 设置了cookie的网站只能访问它发送给您的那些cookie, 它不能访问其他网站发送给您的cookie.


cookie是在用户访问Web站点期间保持连续性的一种机制. 它们允许在用户浏览网站时维护数据. 这被称为“会话”或“状态管理”cookie. These cookies go away when you terminate your visit to the website as they are maintained only in your browser's active memory during your session. 饼干 may be also be stored on your computer so that you can be recognized by a Web site on subsequent visits. 当您进入Web站点时,设置它们的Web站点可以读取它们. They are often used on Web sites that require you to log in to save you entering all of your log-in information. They may store information on your unique identifier and the areas of the Web site you have visited before. These cookies are stored on your computer's hard drive after you have left your Web site visit and consequently are often referred to as "persistent" cookies.


您可以将浏览器配置为接受所有cookie, 拒绝所有cookie, 或者在设置cookie时通知您. (每个浏览器都不一样, 因此,请查看浏览器的“帮助”菜单,了解如何更改cookie偏好.)

The County of Kern Web site's Practices Regarding 饼干 When the County of Kern Web site uses session cookies, the information on these cookies would be retained by the site in a table that lists the unique identifiers of those currently using the site only while the user's session is active.


The County of Kern Web site has taken several steps to safeguard the integrity of its computing infrastructure and data, 包括但不限于身份验证, 监控, 和审计. 安全措施已纳入设计, 整个站点的实现和日常实践. 本信息不应以任何方式被解释为提供商业、法律或其他建议. This information should not be construed as warranting as fail-proof the security of information provided through the County of Kern Web site.


提供关于克恩郡网站的评论, 或对本隐私声明中提供的信息发表评论, 请给网站管理员发邮件. Please do not include any information on the e-mail that you feel is confidential as it may become a public record subject to release under the provisions of the California Public Records Act referenced above.